Genlisea filiformis - French Guyana
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Autor:  Patrice [ 16.07.2010(Sex)22:38 ]
Título:  Genlisea filiformis - French Guyana

hello all,

here are two pictures of Genlisea filiformis (if I'm right) from my country, French Guyana.

the plant colony grow in a savanna, covered with grass, 1m tall. there are some Clusia sp. also around.
the savana is close to the single road which pass along the coast of FR.Guyana. it's situated 230 Km from Cayenne, the city where I live.

the colony of plants is rather's situated in the lowest parts of the savanna, there where the ground is the most moisturized. the plants looked very healthy, there were many in flowers. I didn't found any seed capsule.

I will show you two pictures only, all the others I made are bad. my camera broke down at that moment, no chance...

here is a picture of the colony :

and here is one of the flower :

this area of Fr. Guyana experience bush-fires every year, during the dry season :

I hope you'll enjoy these few pictures

Autor:  Carlos Rohrbacher [ 18.07.2010(Dom)23:02 ]

Beauty genlisea Patrice.

I saw a drosera in first picture. :shock:

Thanks for sharing. :wink:

Autor:  Fernando Rivadavia [ 18.07.2010(Dom)23:53 ]

Bonjour Patrice!

Thank you for posting these pics, this is in fact G.filiformis, not G.pygmaea. Notice that the tip of the spur is fat and rounded (obtuse), where's in G.pygmaea it's pointed (acute).


Autor:  Hase [ 19.07.2010(Seg)10:10 ]

Carlos Rohrbacher escreveu:
I saw a drosera in first picture. :shock:

Me too! Beautiful Genlisea! Congrats!

Autor:  Felipe_Pinho [ 19.07.2010(Seg)14:34 ]

beautiful :D

Autor:  Patrice [ 19.07.2010(Seg)21:51 ]

hello all,

many thanks for the correct identification, Fernando. and for the corrections made in the message...
I'll have to be very carreful with my miss-identifications :oops: :oops: :oops:

I saw a drosera in first picture

me too, but in real !
it was a D.capillaris

and now, let's play a game : "where is the SECOND Drosera ? "
(the writer of the first PM I'll receive in my message-box will win some D.capillaris seeds with localisation :wink: )
>>> Description of what you see and "coordinates" of the second plant must be given in centimeters , based on the picture in real size ! <<<

by the way : have you seen the utrics ? :roll:

just for the fun, here are some pics that I took in the same savanna :
did you ever saw termites :

this BIG ???

Autor:  Fernando Rivadavia [ 20.07.2010(Ter)2:43 ]

My pleasure, please post more pics for me to help you ID! :)

As for your contest, I didn't even see the 1st Drosera, hahaha!

Best wishes,

Autor:  Hase [ 20.07.2010(Ter)12:27 ]

Sadly, I cant find my ruler to send you the PM. any other way? I found it!

Autor:  Patrice [ 20.07.2010(Ter)22:27 ]

bomdia foristas,

/banana /banana /banana /banana /banana /banana /banana /banana

we have a winner !!!

/banana /banana /banana /banana /banana /banana /banana /banana

a PM posted monday 19.07.2010 at 23:49 gave me the perfect answer !

and the name of the winner is :
Felipe_Chaves !!!


congratulations to you !

I'll contact you soon, Felipe.

Autor:  Felipe_Chaves [ 21.07.2010(Qua)16:04 ]

Yeah, i found It!!! ImagemImagemImagem

I thought i wasn't the first to send U a PM ... eheheh.

I liked this game. kkkk

take care,


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